vt. 配音, 輕點, 授予稱號, 擊
n. 一下擊鼓聲, 笨蛋
名詞:dubber 動詞過去式:dubbed 過去分詞:dubbed 現在分詞:dubbing 第三人稱單數:dubs英文解釋:
動詞 dub:
- give a nickname to同義詞:nickname
- provide (movies) with a soundtrack of a foreign language
- raise (someone) to knighthood同義詞:knight
- The next time he brings his noisy friends to the dub we'll have them put out.
- Is the film dubbed or does it have subtitles?這部影片是經過配音的還是配上字幕的?
- The papers dubbed them The Fab Four'.報刊給他們起了個綽號叫`四絕'.
v.tr.(及物動詞)dubbed,dub.bing,dubs To tap lightly on the shoulder by way of conferring knighthood.封…為爵士:封爵時用劍輕拍其肩To honor with a new title or description.授予…新稱號,把…稱為To give a name to facetiously or playfully; nickname.起綽號:取一個詼諧或好玩的名字;給…起綽號To strike, cut, or rub (timber or leather, for example) so as to make even or smooth.弄光潔,變光滑:擊、切或磨(如木材或皮革)以使變光滑平整To dress (a fowl).宰殺並清洗(家畜)To execute (a golf stroke, for example) poorly.拙劣地擊(如高爾夫球)n.(名詞)An awkward person or player; a bungler.笨蛋:笨拙的人或演員;笨蛋
來源:Middle English dubben 中古英文 dubben from Old English dubbian 源自 古英文 dubbian perhaps from Old French aduber 可能源自 古法文 aduber
dub 2
v.(動詞)dubbed,dub.bing,dubs v.tr.(及物動詞)To thrust at; poke.刺向;撐邊女帽To beat (a drum).擊(鼓)v.intr.(不及物動詞)To make a thrust.進行一刺To beat on a drum.擊鼓n.(名詞)The act of dubbing.刺或擊的行為A drumbeat.鼓聲
來源:Perhaps from Low German dubben [to hit, strike] 可能源自 低地德文 dubben [打,擊]
dub 3
To transfer (recorded material) onto a new recording medium.轉錄:將(錄音材料)轉入一條新錄音帶To copy (a record or tape).複製(錄音帶或磁帶)To insert a new soundtrack, often a synchronized translation of the original dialogue, into (a film).配音:在(電影)中插入一條新聲道,一般是原對話的同步翻譯To add (sound) into a film or tape:混錄:在電影或錄音帶上加入(聲響):例句:dub in strings behind the vocal.在人聲後配入弦樂
n.(名詞)The new sounds added by dubbing.混錄進去的新聲音A dubbed copy of a tape or record.錄音帶的複製版
來源:Short for double double的簡寫
dub 4
n.Scots (名詞)【蘇格蘭】 A puddle or small pool.小池塘或水窪
來源:[Origin unknown] [詞源不明]

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