音標[daut] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 懷疑, 疑惑
vt. 懷疑, 不信
vi. 懷疑, 不信
【法】 疑問, 疑惑, 疑懼
There is no doubt that...
no doubt
in doubt
make no doubt of...
名詞:doubter 動詞過去式:doubted 過去分詞:doubted 現在分詞:doubting 第三人稱單數:doubts詞意辨析:
doubt, suspicion, distrust, uncertainty這些名詞均有“懷疑”之意。
doubt: 指對事物的真、假有懷疑。
suspicion: 語氣較強,指對某人做某事的目的、意圖有懷疑,或認為某人做錯事,但無確鑿證據而產生懷疑。
distrust: 一般用詞,泛指對某人某事不信任而感到懷疑。
uncertainty: 側重指對某事或選擇等需作決定時的遲疑不決。doubt, suspect, distrust這些動詞均含“懷疑”之意。
doubt: 普通用詞,多指因證據不足或僅憑證據還不能肯定而產生懷疑,多含否定意味。
suspect: 指猜疑、疑心,肯定意味較多。
distrust: 指疑惑、猜疑,不信任。英文解釋:
名詞 doubt:
- the state of being unsure of something同義詞:uncertainty, incertitude, dubiety, doubtfulness, dubiousness
- uncertainty about the truth or factuality of existence of something同義詞:dubiousness, doubtfulness, question
動詞 doubt:
- consider unlikely or have doubts about
- lack confidence in or have doubts about
- She was beyond all doubt the finest ballerina of her day.她無疑是她那個時代最優秀的芭蕾舞演員。
- No doubt he means to help, but in fact he just gets in the way.他確實是想幫忙,然而事實上卻只是幫倒忙。
- He was troubled by religious doubt.他因對宗教的疑懼而十分煩惱。
- I doubt the truth of it.我懷疑此事的真實程度。
- There is no doubt that we will be successful.毫無疑問我們會成功的。
v.(動詞)doubt.ed,,doubts及物動詞)To be undecided or skeptical about:懷疑:對…拿不準或對…懷疑:例句:began to doubt some accepted doctrines.開始懷疑一些公認的教條
To tend to disbelieve; distrust:不相信;不信任:例句:doubts politicians when they make sweeping statements.不信任政客含糊其詞的聲明
To regard as unlikely:認為…不可能:例句:I doubt that we`ll arrive on time.我認為我們不可能按時到達
Archaic To suspect; fear.【古語】 猜想;恐怕v.intr.(不及物動詞)To be undecided or skeptical.不確定:不能肯定或懷疑n.(名詞)A lack of certainty that often leads to irresolution.See Synonyms at uncertainty 疑惑:缺少肯定而導致猶豫不決參見 uncertaintyA lack of trust.缺少信任A point about which one is uncertain or skeptical:疑點:不確定或令人懷疑的一點:例句:reassured me by answering my doubts.回答我的疑點消除了我的疑慮
The condition of being unsettled or unresolved:懸而未定:沒有解決或沒有決定的狀況:例句:an outcome still in doubt.結果還未定
<習慣用語>beyond doubt 或
without doubt
Without question; certainly; definitely.無疑地;確實地;肯定地no doubt
Certainly.確實地Probably.很可能習慣用語>來源:Middle English douten 中古英文 douten from Old French douter 源自 古法文 douter from Latin dubit3re [to waver] * see dwo- 源自 拉丁語 dubit3re [猶豫不決] *參見 dwo-
n.(名詞)Doubt and doubtful may be followed by clauses introduced by that, whether, or if. The choice among these three is partly guided by the intended meaning of the sentencebut is not cast in stone. Whether normally introduces an indirect questionand is therefore the traditional choice when the subject is in a state of genuine uncertainty about alternative possibilities: Doubt 和 doubtful 後面可以跟由 that,whether, 或 if 引導的從句。 三者之間選哪一個部分地由句子要表達的意義決定的,但其用法並不是固定不變的。 Whether 一般引導一個間接問句,所以當主語所代表的人確實不知如何選擇判斷時,傳統上就用該詞: 例句:Sue has studied so much philosophy this year今年蘇鑽研哲學下了不少功夫,
that she`s begun to doubt whether she exists.現在她都開始懷疑自己是否存在了。例句:At one time it was doubtful whether the company could recover from its financial difficulties, but the government loan seems to have helped. 曾經有一段時間,公司能否從困境中恢復元氣令人生疑,不過政府的貸款似乎起了作用。
On the other hand,that is the choice when doubt is being used as an understated way of expressing disbelief: 而當doubt 用來低調錶示.不相信,不信任.之意的時候,則用 that 。 例句:I doubt that we`ve seen the last of that problem (with the meaning .I think we haven`t seen the last . . . .). 我不相信我們完全解決了那個 問題 (意即:我認為我們沒解決那個問題)。
That is also the usual choice when the truth of the clause following doubt is assumed, as in negative sentences and questions. ThusI never doubted for a minute that I would be rescued implies .I was certain that I would be rescued.. By the same token,Do you doubt that you will be paidô seems to pose a rhetorical question (.Surely you believe that you will be paid.), whereasDo you doubt whether you will be paidô may express a genuine request for information and might be followed bybecause if you do, you should make the client post a bond. In other cases, however, this distinction betweenwhether and that is not always observed, andthat is frequently used as a substitute for whether. If may also be used as a substitute forwhether but is more informal in tone. ·In informal speech the clause followingdoubt is sometimes introduced with but: I don`t doubt but (or but what ) he will come. Reputable precedent exists for this construction,as in.I do not doubt but England is at present as polite a Nation as any in the World. (Richard Steele),but modern critics sometimes object to its use in formal writing.See Usage Note at but ,if 在否定句及疑問句中當doubt 後的從句所作陳述被認為是真時,用 that 。 所以我從不懷疑我會被救起 意思就是.我確信我會得救.。 同樣你懷疑人家會賴帳嗎? 似乎就成了一個反問句(.你當然相信人家不會賴帳了.), 而你懷疑人家是否付款嗎? 就表示一個真誠的詢問, 可能接下來會說因為如果你懷疑的話,你就該讓顧客付保證金 。 在其它情況下,whether 和 that 的區別並不很明顯, 而且that 經常用來替代 whether。 If 也經常用來代替whether , 但是語氣不很正式。在非正式語氣中doubt 後面的從句有時由 but引導:I don`t doubt but (或 but what ) he will come。 這種結構有其先例且屬規範用法,如.我不懷疑目前的英格蘭象世界上其他國家一樣是禮義之邦. (理察·斯蒂爾),但現代評論家有時反對在正式文體中這樣使用參見 but,if
doubt: 指對事物的真、假有懷疑。
suspicion: 語氣較強,指對某人做某事的目的、意圖有懷疑,或認為某人做錯事,但無確鑿證據而產生懷疑。
distrust: 一般用詞,泛指對某人某事不信任而感到懷疑。
uncertainty: 側重指對某事或選擇等需作決定時的遲疑不決。
doubt, suspect, distrust這些動詞均含“懷疑”之意。
doubt: 普通用詞,多指因證據不足或僅憑證據還不能肯定而產生懷疑,多含否定意味。
suspect: 指猜疑、疑心,肯定意味較多。
distrust: 指疑惑、猜疑,不信任。英文解釋:
名詞 doubt:
- the state of being unsure of something同義詞:uncertainty, incertitude, dubiety, doubtfulness, dubiousness
- uncertainty about the truth or factuality of existence of something同義詞:dubiousness, doubtfulness, question
動詞 doubt:
- consider unlikely or have doubts about
- lack confidence in or have doubts about
- She was beyond all doubt the finest ballerina of her day.她無疑是她那個時代最優秀的芭蕾舞演員。
- No doubt he means to help, but in fact he just gets in the way.他確實是想幫忙,然而事實上卻只是幫倒忙。
- He was troubled by religious doubt.他因對宗教的疑懼而十分煩惱。
- I doubt the truth of it.我懷疑此事的真實程度。
- There is no doubt that we will be successful.毫無疑問我們會成功的。
v.(動詞)doubt.ed,,doubts及物動詞)To be undecided or skeptical about:懷疑:對…拿不準或對…懷疑:例句:began to doubt some accepted doctrines.開始懷疑一些公認的教條
To tend to disbelieve; distrust:不相信;不信任:例句:doubts politicians when they make sweeping statements.不信任政客含糊其詞的聲明
To regard as unlikely:認為…不可能:例句:I doubt that we`ll arrive on time.我認為我們不可能按時到達
Archaic To suspect; fear.【古語】 猜想;恐怕v.intr.(不及物動詞)To be undecided or skeptical.不確定:不能肯定或懷疑n.(名詞)A lack of certainty that often leads to irresolution.See Synonyms at uncertainty 疑惑:缺少肯定而導致猶豫不決參見 uncertaintyA lack of trust.缺少信任A point about which one is uncertain or skeptical:疑點:不確定或令人懷疑的一點:例句:reassured me by answering my doubts.回答我的疑點消除了我的疑慮
The condition of being unsettled or unresolved:懸而未定:沒有解決或沒有決定的狀況:例句:an outcome still in doubt.結果還未定
<習慣用語>beyond doubt 或
without doubt
Without question; certainly; definitely.無疑地;確實地;肯定地no doubt
Certainly.確實地Probably.很可能習慣用語>來源:Middle English douten 中古英文 douten from Old French douter 源自 古法文 douter from Latin dubit3re [to waver] * see dwo- 源自 拉丁語 dubit3re [猶豫不決] *參見 dwo-
n.(名詞)Doubt and doubtful may be followed by clauses introduced by that, whether, or if. The choice among these three is partly guided by the intended meaning of the sentencebut is not cast in stone. Whether normally introduces an indirect questionand is therefore the traditional choice when the subject is in a state of genuine uncertainty about alternative possibilities: Doubt 和 doubtful 後面可以跟由 that,whether, 或 if 引導的從句。 三者之間選哪一個部分地由句子要表達的意義決定的,但其用法並不是固定不變的。 Whether 一般引導一個間接問句,所以當主語所代表的人確實不知如何選擇判斷時,傳統上就用該詞: 例句:Sue has studied so much philosophy this year今年蘇鑽研哲學下了不少功夫,
that she`s begun to doubt whether she exists.現在她都開始懷疑自己是否存在了。例句:At one time it was doubtful whether the company could recover from its financial difficulties, but the government loan seems to have helped. 曾經有一段時間,公司能否從困境中恢復元氣令人生疑,不過政府的貸款似乎起了作用。
On the other hand,that is the choice when doubt is being used as an understated way of expressing disbelief: 而當doubt 用來低調錶示.不相信,不信任.之意的時候,則用 that 。 例句:I doubt that we`ve seen the last of that problem (with the meaning .I think we haven`t seen the last . . . .). 我不相信我們完全解決了那個 問題 (意即:我認為我們沒解決那個問題)。
That is also the usual choice when the truth of the clause following doubt is assumed, as in negative sentences and questions. ThusI never doubted for a minute that I would be rescued implies .I was certain that I would be rescued.. By the same token,Do you doubt that you will be paidô seems to pose a rhetorical question (.Surely you believe that you will be paid.), whereasDo you doubt whether you will be paidô may express a genuine request for information and might be followed bybecause if you do, you should make the client post a bond. In other cases, however, this distinction betweenwhether and that is not always observed, andthat is frequently used as a substitute for whether. If may also be used as a substitute forwhether but is more informal in tone. ·In informal speech the clause followingdoubt is sometimes introduced with but: I don`t doubt but (or but what ) he will come. Reputable precedent exists for this construction,as in.I do not doubt but England is at present as polite a Nation as any in the World. (Richard Steele),but modern critics sometimes object to its use in formal writing.See Usage Note at but ,if 在否定句及疑問句中當doubt 後的從句所作陳述被認為是真時,用 that 。 所以我從不懷疑我會被救起 意思就是.我確信我會得救.。 同樣你懷疑人家會賴帳嗎? 似乎就成了一個反問句(.你當然相信人家不會賴帳了.), 而你懷疑人家是否付款嗎? 就表示一個真誠的詢問, 可能接下來會說因為如果你懷疑的話,你就該讓顧客付保證金 。 在其它情況下,whether 和 that 的區別並不很明顯, 而且that 經常用來替代 whether。 If 也經常用來代替whether , 但是語氣不很正式。在非正式語氣中doubt 後面的從句有時由 but引導:I don`t doubt but (或 but what ) he will come。 這種結構有其先例且屬規範用法,如.我不懷疑目前的英格蘭象世界上其他國家一樣是禮義之邦. (理察·斯蒂爾),但現代評論家有時反對在正式文體中這樣使用參見 but,if
doubt: 普通用詞,多指因證據不足或僅憑證據還不能肯定而產生懷疑,多含否定意味。
suspect: 指猜疑、疑心,肯定意味較多。
distrust: 指疑惑、猜疑,不信任。
名詞 doubt:
- the state of being unsure of something同義詞:uncertainty, incertitude, dubiety, doubtfulness, dubiousness
- uncertainty about the truth or factuality of existence of something同義詞:dubiousness, doubtfulness, question
動詞 doubt:
- consider unlikely or have doubts about
- lack confidence in or have doubts about
- She was beyond all doubt the finest ballerina of her day.她無疑是她那個時代最優秀的芭蕾舞演員。
- No doubt he means to help, but in fact he just gets in the way.他確實是想幫忙,然而事實上卻只是幫倒忙。
- He was troubled by religious doubt.他因對宗教的疑懼而十分煩惱。
- I doubt the truth of it.我懷疑此事的真實程度。
- There is no doubt that we will be successful.毫無疑問我們會成功的。
v.(動詞)doubt.ed,,doubts及物動詞)To be undecided or skeptical about:懷疑:對…拿不準或對…懷疑:例句:began to doubt some accepted doctrines.開始懷疑一些公認的教條
To tend to disbelieve; distrust:不相信;不信任:例句:doubts politicians when they make sweeping statements.不信任政客含糊其詞的聲明
To regard as unlikely:認為…不可能:例句:I doubt that we`ll arrive on time.我認為我們不可能按時到達
Archaic To suspect; fear.【古語】 猜想;恐怕v.intr.(不及物動詞)To be undecided or skeptical.不確定:不能肯定或懷疑n.(名詞)A lack of certainty that often leads to irresolution.See Synonyms at uncertainty 疑惑:缺少肯定而導致猶豫不決參見 uncertaintyA lack of trust.缺少信任A point about which one is uncertain or skeptical:疑點:不確定或令人懷疑的一點:例句:reassured me by answering my doubts.回答我的疑點消除了我的疑慮
The condition of being unsettled or unresolved:懸而未定:沒有解決或沒有決定的狀況:例句:an outcome still in doubt.結果還未定
<習慣用語>beyond doubt 或
without doubt
Without question; certainly; definitely.無疑地;確實地;肯定地no doubt
Certainly.確實地Probably.很可能習慣用語>來源:Middle English douten 中古英文 douten from Old French douter 源自 古法文 douter from Latin dubit3re [to waver] * see dwo- 源自 拉丁語 dubit3re [猶豫不決] *參見 dwo-
n.(名詞)Doubt and doubtful may be followed by clauses introduced by that, whether, or if. The choice among these three is partly guided by the intended meaning of the sentencebut is not cast in stone. Whether normally introduces an indirect questionand is therefore the traditional choice when the subject is in a state of genuine uncertainty about alternative possibilities: Doubt 和 doubtful 後面可以跟由 that,whether, 或 if 引導的從句。 三者之間選哪一個部分地由句子要表達的意義決定的,但其用法並不是固定不變的。 Whether 一般引導一個間接問句,所以當主語所代表的人確實不知如何選擇判斷時,傳統上就用該詞: 例句:Sue has studied so much philosophy this year今年蘇鑽研哲學下了不少功夫,
that she`s begun to doubt whether she exists.現在她都開始懷疑自己是否存在了。例句:At one time it was doubtful whether the company could recover from its financial difficulties, but the government loan seems to have helped. 曾經有一段時間,公司能否從困境中恢復元氣令人生疑,不過政府的貸款似乎起了作用。
On the other hand,that is the choice when doubt is being used as an understated way of expressing disbelief: 而當doubt 用來低調錶示.不相信,不信任.之意的時候,則用 that 。 例句:I doubt that we`ve seen the last of that problem (with the meaning .I think we haven`t seen the last . . . .). 我不相信我們完全解決了那個 問題 (意即:我認為我們沒解決那個問題)。
That is also the usual choice when the truth of the clause following doubt is assumed, as in negative sentences and questions. ThusI never doubted for a minute that I would be rescued implies .I was certain that I would be rescued.. By the same token,Do you doubt that you will be paidô seems to pose a rhetorical question (.Surely you believe that you will be paid.), whereasDo you doubt whether you will be paidô may express a genuine request for information and might be followed bybecause if you do, you should make the client post a bond. In other cases, however, this distinction betweenwhether and that is not always observed, andthat is frequently used as a substitute for whether. If may also be used as a substitute forwhether but is more informal in tone. ·In informal speech the clause followingdoubt is sometimes introduced with but: I don`t doubt but (or but what ) he will come. Reputable precedent exists for this construction,as in.I do not doubt but England is at present as polite a Nation as any in the World. (Richard Steele),but modern critics sometimes object to its use in formal writing.See Usage Note at but ,if 在否定句及疑問句中當doubt 後的從句所作陳述被認為是真時,用 that 。 所以我從不懷疑我會被救起 意思就是.我確信我會得救.。 同樣你懷疑人家會賴帳嗎? 似乎就成了一個反問句(.你當然相信人家不會賴帳了.), 而你懷疑人家是否付款嗎? 就表示一個真誠的詢問, 可能接下來會說因為如果你懷疑的話,你就該讓顧客付保證金 。 在其它情況下,whether 和 that 的區別並不很明顯, 而且that 經常用來替代 whether。 If 也經常用來代替whether , 但是語氣不很正式。在非正式語氣中doubt 後面的從句有時由 but引導:I don`t doubt but (或 but what ) he will come。 這種結構有其先例且屬規範用法,如.我不懷疑目前的英格蘭象世界上其他國家一樣是禮義之邦. (理察·斯蒂爾),但現代評論家有時反對在正式文體中這樣使用參見 but,if
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