音標['dʌblit] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 成對物, 偶極天線, 對稱振子, 偶極子, 對偶物
【計】 二位位元組
【化】 雙峰; 雙重譜線
【醫】 雙重線, 雙合透鏡
名詞 doublet:
- a man's close-fitting jacket; worn during the Renaissance
- In the times of the Tudors, a man dressed in doublet and hose and wore a ruff.在都鐸王朝時期,男人穿緊身上衣和緊身短褲,脖子上戴寬而硬的輪狀皺領。
- Close-fitting breeches or leggings reaching up to the hips and fastened to a doublet, formerly worn by men. Used only in the plural.
n.(名詞)A close-fitting jacket, with or without sleeves, worn by European men between the 5th and 7th centuries.緊身衣:5至7世紀歐洲男子穿的有袖或無袖的緊身短上衣
A pair of similar or identical things.成對物:一對類似或同樣的物體A member of such a pair.一對中的一員Physics A multiplet with two members.【物理學】 雙重譜線:帶有兩個成員的雙重譜線Linguistics One of two words derived from the same historical source by different routes of transmission, such asskirt from Scandinavian and shirt from English. 【語言學】 同源詞:詞源相同但是傳播途徑不同的一對詞中的一個,如skirt 來自斯堪的納維亞語和 shirt 來自英文 doublets Games A throw of two dice in which the same number of dots appears on the upper face of each. doublets 【遊戲】 同點骰子:擲兩個骰子,每一個骰子上面的點數都是同一個數字
來源:Middle English 中古英文 from Old French [diminutive of] double [double] * see double 源自 古法文 [] double的小後綴 [雙] *參見 double
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