n. 沮喪
vt. 使驚愕, 使氣餒
副詞:dismayingly 動詞過去式:dismayed 過去分詞:dismayed 現在分詞:dismaying 第三人稱單數:dismays英文解釋:
名詞 dismay:
- the feeling of despair in the face of obstacles同義詞:discouragement, disheartenment
- fear resulting from the awareness of danger同義詞:alarm, consternation
動詞 dismay:
- lower someone's spirits; make downhearted同義詞:depress, deject, cast down, get down, dispirit, demoralize, demoralise
- fill with apprehension or alarm; cause to be unpleasantly surprised同義詞:alarm, appal, appall, horrify
- Her face registered dismay.她臉上流露出驚慌的神色
- This appointment was greeted with relief, dismay, etc.
- It dismayed us that the project had been canceled.
- To my dismay, he made the same mistakes.讓我感到沮喪的是,他又犯了同樣的錯誤。
v.tr.(及物動詞)dis.mayed,dis.may.ing,dis.mays To destroy the courage or resolution of by exciting dread or apprehension.使驚恐;使喪氣:因有刺激的恐懼或擔憂而失去勇氣或果斷To cause to lose enthusiasm; disillusion:使失去熱情;使幻想破滅:例句:was dismayed to learn that her favorite dancer used drugs.獲悉她喜愛的舞蹈演員吸毒,她感到很失望
To upset or alarm.使不安,使驚慌n.(名詞)A sudden or complete loss of courage in the face of trouble or danger.喪膽,絕望:在面臨麻煩或危險時,突然或完全失去勇氣
來源:Middle English dismaien 中古英文 dismaien from Anglo-Norman *desmaiier 源自 英法文 *desmaiier probably de- [intensive pref.] * see de- 可能為 de- [強調前綴] *參見 de-Old French esmaier [to frighten] from Vulgar Latin *exmag3re [to deprive of power] Latin ex- [ex-] Germanic *magan [to be able to] * see magh- 古法文 esmaier [使害怕,使驚恐] 源自 俗拉丁語 *exmag3re [使無力] 拉丁語 ex- [表示.去除.的意思] 日耳曼語 *magan [能] *參見 magh-
adv.(副詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>dismay,appall,daunt,horrify,shake同義詞>These verbs mean to deprive a person of courage or the power to act as a result of fear or anxiety.這些動詞都指由於害怕或緊張而無勇氣或無力去做某事。 Dismay is the least specific: Dismay 是最普通的: 例句:The news of plummeting stock prices dismayed speculators.股票價格驟然下跌的訊息使股民大為失望。
Appall implies a sense of helplessness caused by an awareness of the enormity of something: Appall 含有一種由於某事物的暴虐而造成的無助感: 例句:.for as this appalling ocean surrounds the verdant land. (Herman Melville)..因為當可怕的海水將這塊鬱鬱蔥蔥的陸地圍住時. (赫爾曼·麥爾維爾)。
Daunt suggests an abatement of courage: Daunt 暗指勇氣的減少: 例句:.captains courageous, whom death could not daunt. (Anonymous ballad)..勇敢的船長,死亡不會使他們膽怯. (作者不詳的民謠)。
Horrify implies dread, shock, or revulsion: Horrify 暗含了害怕、震驚或突變之意: 例句:horrified by the possibility of nuclear war. To 因有可能爆發核戰爭而害怕
shake is to dismay profoundly: shake 指深深地感到失望: 例句:.A little swift brutality shook him to the very soul. (John Galsworthy).See also Synonyms at fear .短而快速的暴力行為使他驚恐不已. (約翰·高爾斯華綏)參見同義詞 fear

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