vt. 示範, 證明
vi. 示威
【經】 示威, 示範
動詞過去式:demonstrated 過去分詞:demonstrated 現在分詞:demonstrating 第三人稱單數:demonstrates詞意辨析:
prove, certify, demonstrate, establish, testify這些動詞均含有“證明、證實”之意。
prove: 普通用詞,指通過某種手段或方式提供證據以驗證某事物真實與否,某結論正確與否等情況。
certify: 較正式用詞,多指有簽字蓋章的、合符法律程式的書面證明。
demonstrate: 指通過推理、辯論、實驗或以實例來確定事物的正確與否。常用於理論、學說、定律等的證明上。
establish: 指證實事實或理論的真實性與正確性,使其能長期存在或為人們所接受。
testify: 較正式用詞,既指出庭作證,提供證據,又指為某人或某事的是否真實提供證據或證明。show, exhibit, display, manifest, demonstrate這些動詞均含“顯示、顯露、展現”之意。
show: 泛指任何有意或無意地把東西給別人看的行為。
exhibit: 指公開或正式地展示,以便引人注目或讓人檢查。
display: 多指將某物陳列在顯眼之處以便讓發現其優點,側重有意識地顯示。
manifest: 書面正式用詞,指明確地表明。
demonstrate: 指明顯地表露感情。也指用實例、實驗推理等手段表演證明,或論證某一問題。英文解釋:
動詞 demonstrate:
- show or demonstrate something to an interested audience同義詞:show, demo, exhibit, present
- establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment同義詞:prove, establish, show, shew
- provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes同義詞:attest, certify, manifest, evidence
- march in protest; take part in a demonstration同義詞:march
- She demonstrated that 2 and 2 are four.她證明2加2等於四。
- Please demonstrate how the machine works.請示範機器的使用方法。
v.(動詞)dem.on.strat.ed,dem.on.strat.ing,dem.on.strates v.tr.(及物動詞)To show clearly and deliberately; manifest:表明:清楚細緻地顯示;表明:例句:demonstrated her skill as a gymnast; demonstrate affection by hugging.顯示她的體操技巧;擁抱以示親熱
To show to be true by reasoning or adducing evidence; prove:證實,論證:通過推理或引證說明真實性;證明:例句:demonstrate a proposition.證明一個命題
To present by experiments, examples, or practical application; explain and illustrate:演示,說明:通過實驗、例子或實際套用表明;解釋並說明:例句:demonstrated the laws of physics with laboratory equipment.用實驗裝置演示物理定律
To show the use of (an article) to a prospective buyer:展示,示範:向可能的購買者示範(某物品的)使用:例句:The salesperson plugged in and demonstrated the vacuum cleaner.售貨員插上電源,示範真空吸塵器的操作
v.intr.(不及物動詞)To give a demonstration:演示:例句:described the dance step, then took a partner and demonstrated.描述舞步,然後帶著舞伴作演示
To participate in a public display of opinion:示威:參加一公眾集會以表明自己的觀點:例句:demonstrated against tax hikes.示威反對稅收上漲
來源:Latin dômônstr3re dômônstr3t- 拉丁語 dômônstr3re dômônstr3t- dô- [completely] * see de- dô- [完全地] *參見 de-mônstr3re [to show] from mônstrum [divine portent] from monôre [to warn] * see men- mônstr3re [顯示] 源自 mônstrum [神奇的預兆] 源自 monôre [警告] *參見 men-
prove: 普通用詞,指通過某種手段或方式提供證據以驗證某事物真實與否,某結論正確與否等情況。
certify: 較正式用詞,多指有簽字蓋章的、合符法律程式的書面證明。
demonstrate: 指通過推理、辯論、實驗或以實例來確定事物的正確與否。常用於理論、學說、定律等的證明上。
establish: 指證實事實或理論的真實性與正確性,使其能長期存在或為人們所接受。
testify: 較正式用詞,既指出庭作證,提供證據,又指為某人或某事的是否真實提供證據或證明。
show, exhibit, display, manifest, demonstrate這些動詞均含“顯示、顯露、展現”之意。
show: 泛指任何有意或無意地把東西給別人看的行為。
exhibit: 指公開或正式地展示,以便引人注目或讓人檢查。
display: 多指將某物陳列在顯眼之處以便讓發現其優點,側重有意識地顯示。
manifest: 書面正式用詞,指明確地表明。
demonstrate: 指明顯地表露感情。也指用實例、實驗推理等手段表演證明,或論證某一問題。英文解釋:
動詞 demonstrate:
- show or demonstrate something to an interested audience同義詞:show, demo, exhibit, present
- establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment同義詞:prove, establish, show, shew
- provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes同義詞:attest, certify, manifest, evidence
- march in protest; take part in a demonstration同義詞:march
- She demonstrated that 2 and 2 are four.她證明2加2等於四。
- Please demonstrate how the machine works.請示範機器的使用方法。
v.(動詞)dem.on.strat.ed,dem.on.strat.ing,dem.on.strates v.tr.(及物動詞)To show clearly and deliberately; manifest:表明:清楚細緻地顯示;表明:例句:demonstrated her skill as a gymnast; demonstrate affection by hugging.顯示她的體操技巧;擁抱以示親熱
To show to be true by reasoning or adducing evidence; prove:證實,論證:通過推理或引證說明真實性;證明:例句:demonstrate a proposition.證明一個命題
To present by experiments, examples, or practical application; explain and illustrate:演示,說明:通過實驗、例子或實際套用表明;解釋並說明:例句:demonstrated the laws of physics with laboratory equipment.用實驗裝置演示物理定律
To show the use of (an article) to a prospective buyer:展示,示範:向可能的購買者示範(某物品的)使用:例句:The salesperson plugged in and demonstrated the vacuum cleaner.售貨員插上電源,示範真空吸塵器的操作
v.intr.(不及物動詞)To give a demonstration:演示:例句:described the dance step, then took a partner and demonstrated.描述舞步,然後帶著舞伴作演示
To participate in a public display of opinion:示威:參加一公眾集會以表明自己的觀點:例句:demonstrated against tax hikes.示威反對稅收上漲
來源:Latin dômônstr3re dômônstr3t- 拉丁語 dômônstr3re dômônstr3t- dô- [completely] * see de- dô- [完全地] *參見 de-mônstr3re [to show] from mônstrum [divine portent] from monôre [to warn] * see men- mônstr3re [顯示] 源自 mônstrum [神奇的預兆] 源自 monôre [警告] *參見 men-
show: 泛指任何有意或無意地把東西給別人看的行為。
exhibit: 指公開或正式地展示,以便引人注目或讓人檢查。
display: 多指將某物陳列在顯眼之處以便讓發現其優點,側重有意識地顯示。
manifest: 書面正式用詞,指明確地表明。
demonstrate: 指明顯地表露感情。也指用實例、實驗推理等手段表演證明,或論證某一問題。
動詞 demonstrate:
- show or demonstrate something to an interested audience同義詞:show, demo, exhibit, present
- establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment同義詞:prove, establish, show, shew
- provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes同義詞:attest, certify, manifest, evidence
- march in protest; take part in a demonstration同義詞:march
- She demonstrated that 2 and 2 are four.她證明2加2等於四。
- Please demonstrate how the machine works.請示範機器的使用方法。
v.(動詞)dem.on.strat.ed,dem.on.strat.ing,dem.on.strates v.tr.(及物動詞)To show clearly and deliberately; manifest:表明:清楚細緻地顯示;表明:例句:demonstrated her skill as a gymnast; demonstrate affection by hugging.顯示她的體操技巧;擁抱以示親熱
To show to be true by reasoning or adducing evidence; prove:證實,論證:通過推理或引證說明真實性;證明:例句:demonstrate a proposition.證明一個命題
To present by experiments, examples, or practical application; explain and illustrate:演示,說明:通過實驗、例子或實際套用表明;解釋並說明:例句:demonstrated the laws of physics with laboratory equipment.用實驗裝置演示物理定律
To show the use of (an article) to a prospective buyer:展示,示範:向可能的購買者示範(某物品的)使用:例句:The salesperson plugged in and demonstrated the vacuum cleaner.售貨員插上電源,示範真空吸塵器的操作
v.intr.(不及物動詞)To give a demonstration:演示:例句:described the dance step, then took a partner and demonstrated.描述舞步,然後帶著舞伴作演示
To participate in a public display of opinion:示威:參加一公眾集會以表明自己的觀點:例句:demonstrated against tax hikes.示威反對稅收上漲
來源:Latin dômônstr3re dômônstr3t- 拉丁語 dômônstr3re dômônstr3t- dô- [completely] * see de- dô- [完全地] *參見 de-mônstr3re [to show] from mônstrum [divine portent] from monôre [to warn] * see men- mônstr3re [顯示] 源自 mônstrum [神奇的預兆] 源自 monôre [警告] *參見 men-

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