交貨, 履行諾言英文解釋:
動詞 deliver the goods:
- attain success or reach a desired goal同義詞:succeed, win, come through, bring home the bacon
- If Helen says she will complete the job on time you can always rely on her to deliver the goods.如果海倫說她將按時完成任務的話,你可以永遠信賴她,她會按時完成的。
- Please deliver the goods at your earliest convenience.請儘早送貨。
- As a rule we deliver the goods within seven day, but in the case of urgent order, we can deliver them within four day.按照慣例,我們在收到訂單後七日內交貨,對於急件,可在四日內交貨。
- Can you deliver the goods in the end of march if we make whampoa the port of shipment?

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