n. 歪斜, 偏, 偏向
【醫】 偏向, 偏離, 偏轉(光), 偏轉, 波(心電圖)
名詞 deflection:
- a twist or aberration; especially a perverse or abnormal way of judging or acting同義詞:warp
- the amount by which a propagating wave is bent同義詞:deflexion, refraction
- the movement of the pointer or pen of a measuring instrument from its zero position同義詞:deflexion
- the property of being bent or deflected同義詞:deflexion, bending
- a turning aside (of your course or attention or concern)同義詞:diversion, deviation, digression, deflexion, divagation
- The smallest deflection of the missile could bring disaster.飛彈有極微小的偏斜也可能釀出大禍。
n.(名詞)The act of deflecting or the condition of being deflected.偏向:偏向的行為或被偏向的狀態Deviation or a specified amount of deviation.偏度,偏差:偏差或偏差特定數量The deviation of an indicator of a measuring instrument from zero or from its normal position.偏轉角:測量工具的指針從零位置或它的正常位置的偏轉The movement of a structure or structural part as a result of stress.變位:由於拉力或應力作用致使建築結構或建築結構的某一部分的移動

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