a. 有日期的, 陳舊的
名詞:datedness 副詞:datedly英文字典
動詞 date:
- go on a date with同義詞:date
- stamp with a date同義詞:date, date stamp
- assign a date to; determine the (probable) date of同義詞:date
- date regularly; have a steady relationship with同義詞:go steady, go out, date, see
- provide with a dateline; mark with a date同義詞:date
形容詞 dated:
- marked by features of the immediate and usually discounted past
- bearing a date
- I saw a tombstone bearing the date 1602.我見到一塊刻有1602年字樣的墓碑。
- Our partnership dates back to (ie We have been partners since) 1960.我們從1960年就合夥了。
- I only dated her once.我和她只約會過一次。
- Many dated expressions are being dropped from the new dictionary.這本新字典中刪去了很多過時的詞語。
- His last letter was dated 24 May.他最後一封信的日期是5月24日。
- A friendship between us dated from twenty years ago.我們倆的友誼源於二十年前。
- She uses rather dated words and phrases.她使用的詞語未免太陳舊了。