音標[k?:'m?d??n] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 脾氣壞的人, 吝嗇鬼
名詞:curmudgeonry 形容詞:curmudgeonly英文解釋:
名詞 curmudgeon:
- a crusty irascible cantankerous old person full of stubborn ideas
- The old curmudgeon found a new scapegoat and that let me out.那個老守財奴找到一個新的替罪羊,這樣我就脫身了。
n.(名詞)An ill-tempered person full of resentment and stubborn notions.脾氣壞的人:滿懷怨恨和觀念頑固的壞脾氣人
來源:[Origin unknown] [詞源未知]
n.(名詞)<注釋>The etymology of the wordcurmudgeon has eluded us for at least two centuries, although some lexicographers have thought the solution was at hand, one to his embarrassment.When Samuel Johnson stated in his famous dictionary of 755 thatcurmugeon .is a vicious manner of pronouncing c÷ur méchant, Fr. an unknown correspondent,. he was giving credit to an anonymous writer for the statement thatcurmudgeon came from French c÷ur, .heart,. and méchant, .evil.. Another lexicographer, John Ash, following in Johnson`s tracks though none too carefully,gave the etymology a bit differently in his dictionary of 775:.from the Frenchc÷ur unknown, and mechant a correspondent.; thus misinterpreting Johnson`s attribution as a gloss for the French.Although its origin is unknown,curmudgeon has been around for some time, being first recorded in a work published in 577. 單詞curmudgeon 的詞源已經使我們困惑了至少有兩個世紀, 雖然有些字典的編輯者已經認為快找到解決方式了,但仍使某些人局促不安。當塞繆爾·詹森在他的舉世聞名的755年字典中指出Curmugeon .是對 cour mechant 這一法文詞語的錯誤發音方式(它意指不知名的通訊記者).時, 他認同一位不署名作家認為curmudgeon 一詞來自法文 cour .心.和 mechant .罪惡.的陳述是正確的。 另一個名叫約翰·艾什的字典編輯者承襲了詹森的思路,但他也並非很嚴格地遵循,在他的775年字典中對該詞源作了稍有差別的解釋: .從法文cour (不知名的)和 mechant (一名通訊記者)而來.; 由此他誤解了詹森對於法文的譯註。雖然該詞詞源未知,curmudgeon 已有了一定的歷史,它首次被記錄於577年出版的一部作品中 注釋>
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