字典網>> 英漢字典>> C開頭詞條>>crocodile的意思


音標['kr?k?dail] 讀音


n. 鱷魚


名詞 crocodile:

  1. large voracious aquatic reptile having a long snout with massive jaws and sharp teeth and a body covered with bony plates; of sluggish tropical waters


  1. Leather made from crocodile skin.
  2. She go up the Nile as far as the first crocodile.
  3. There are crocodiles in this river.



Any of various large aquatic reptiles, chiefly of the genusCrocodylus, native to tropical and subtropical regions and having thick, armorlike skin and long, tapering jaws.
鱷魚:任一種原產於熱帶和 * 帶地區的 屬大型水棲爬行動物,生有厚的、甲狀皮膚以及長而逐漸變細的尾巴
A crocodilian reptile, such as an alligator, a caiman, or a gavial.
Leather made from crocodile skin.

Middle English cocodril
中古英文 cocodril
from Old French
源自 古法文
from Latin cocodrillus [variant of] crocodolus
源自 拉丁語 cocodrillus [] crocodolus的變體
from Greek krokodilos
源自 希臘語 krokodilos
krokô [pebble]
krokô [卵石]
drilos [circumcised man, worm]
drilos [受割的人,蠕蟲]

<注釋>The crocodile may owe its name to its resemblance to a much smaller creature, a lizard that lived in the stone walls of Ionia.This lizard`s name,krokodilos, is thought to be a compound of krokô, .pebble, gravel,. and drilos, which is only attested as meaning .circumcised man. but is assumed to mean .worm. as well. According to Herodotus, Ionians in Egypt noted the resemblance, probably humorously, between basking crocodiles and their own .worm of the stones..The modern form of Englishcrocodile represents a return to the Classical Latin spelling crocodolus, Latin having borrowed the word from Greek.But other spellings occurred in Classical Greek and Latin, and one of these Latin spellings,cocodrillus, passed into Medieval Latin and Old French (cocodril ) and then into English, so that our earliest possible use of the word, in a work perhaps composed before 300, is spelledcokedrille. It was not until the 'th century that the word came to have its present spelling.The various spellings met with in the history ofcrocodile reflect the same sort of variations that occurred in the history of alligator.
鱷魚可能是因為與一種比它小得多的生物,即生長在愛奧尼亞的石牆中的蜥蜴外表相似而得名。這種蜥蜴的名字krokodilos 被認為是由 kroke (意為.卵石,礫石.)一詞和 drilos 這一(只被證明有.受割的人.的意思但又被假定有.蠕蟲.的意思的)詞組成的複合詞。 希羅多德認為,埃及境內的愛奧尼亞人可能出於幽默而記下了曬太陽的鱷魚和他們本地的.石頭中的蠕蟲.之間的類似點。英文的crocodile 的現代形式反映了古拉丁語拼法 crocodilus回歸, 拉丁語中的這個詞是從希臘語中引入的。但是出現在古希臘語和古拉丁語中的其它拼法以及其中一種拉丁語拼法,cocodrillus , 卻進入到中世紀拉丁語和古法文(cocodril )中,然後又進入到英文中, 所以出現在可能寫於300年以前的一篇文章中的我們最早有可能使用該詞時的拼法是cokedrille 。 直到'世紀,這個詞才變成現在這種拼法。在crocodile 一詞的演變歷史中的多種拼法也反映了在 alligator 一詞的演變歷史中的相似變化

