國語字典國語詞典英文字典韓文字典法文字典德文字典日文字典字典網>> 英漢字典>> C開頭詞條>>contract of adhesion的意思contract of adhesion 讀音 漢語翻譯【經】 附和合同英文解釋:名詞 contract of adhesion:a contract that heavily restricts one party while leaving the other free (as some standard form printed contracts); implies inequality in bargaining power同義詞:adhesion contract猜你喜歡:cubeb camphor的漢語翻譯 calaboose的漢語翻譯 crotonarin的漢語翻譯 control centre的漢語翻譯 caulis lonicerae的漢語翻譯 choleromania的漢語翻譯 circuit grade的漢語翻譯 carcinostatic的漢語翻譯 chlorotribromomethane的漢語翻譯 chorionepithelioma的漢語翻譯 communication task的漢語翻譯 Crove cells的漢語翻譯 chain initiation的漢語翻譯 cyamelide的漢語翻譯 crankshaft press的漢語翻譯