音標[k?n'fju:??n] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 混亂, 混淆, 無秩序
【計】 含混
【醫】 精神混亂, 精神錯亂
be thrown into confusion
be covered with confusion
drink confusion to sb
in confusion
confusion, disorder, disturbance, mess, chaos這些名詞均表示事物的混亂狀態。
confusion: 指東西攪混在一起,凌亂得難以辨認;也可指思想混亂,以致無法進行正常的思維活動。
disorder: 正式用詞,含義廣泛。指事物因失去原有的秩序而造成混亂;也可指社會中的動亂或騷亂。
disturbance: 主要指社會中政治性的動亂、騷亂;也可指個人或少數人的鬧事。
mess: 語氣強,口語中較常用的非正式用詞。指既混亂又骯髒,尤指人思想混亂或外表不整潔。
chaos: 著重指令人無能為力或感到絕望的混亂狀態。突出沒有很好的組織。英文解釋:
名詞 confusion:
- disorder resulting from a failure to behave predictably
- a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior同義詞:mental confusion, confusedness, muddiness, disarray
- a feeling of embarrassment that leaves you confused同義詞:discombobulation
- an act causing a disorderly combination of elements with identities lost and distinctions blended
- a mistake that results from taking one thing to be another同義詞:mix-up
- The room was in confusion after the birthday party.生日晚會之後,房間裡一片混亂。
- This misprint led to great confusion.這個印刷錯誤造成很大的混淆。
- The most brilliant person may be mired in detail and confusion.即使是最聰明的人也會陷入瑣事與混亂之中。
- Their unexpected arrival threw our plan into confusion.他們的突然到來打亂了我們的計畫。
- The enemy retreated in great confusion.
The act of confusing or the state of being confused:混亂:混淆的行為或混亂的狀態:例句:.To insist . . . that the plight of two, or six, or 52 individuals outweighs policies in which the credibility of the United States and the security of the Middle East are deeply involved, represents the worst kind of moral confusion.(Moorhead Kennedy).堅持…和美國的信用與中東的安全關聯極深的政策竟輕於兩個,或六個,或五十二個個人面臨的苦難,這都在顯示著最惡劣的道德混亂.(穆爾黑德·甘迺迪)
An instance of being confused:被弄混亂了的事例:例句:.Both John Cheever and James Michener . . . clarify some of the confusions of our times.(Clifton Fadiman).約翰·邱佛和詹姆斯·密柴娜…都澄清了我們這個時代的一些混亂.(克利夫頓·法迪曼)
Psychology Impaired orientation with respect to time, place, or person; a disturbed mental state.【心理學】 混淆:對時間、地點或人物缺乏分辨能力;心理混亂的狀態
confusion: 指東西攪混在一起,凌亂得難以辨認;也可指思想混亂,以致無法進行正常的思維活動。
disorder: 正式用詞,含義廣泛。指事物因失去原有的秩序而造成混亂;也可指社會中的動亂或騷亂。
disturbance: 主要指社會中政治性的動亂、騷亂;也可指個人或少數人的鬧事。
mess: 語氣強,口語中較常用的非正式用詞。指既混亂又骯髒,尤指人思想混亂或外表不整潔。
chaos: 著重指令人無能為力或感到絕望的混亂狀態。突出沒有很好的組織。
名詞 confusion:
- disorder resulting from a failure to behave predictably
- a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior同義詞:mental confusion, confusedness, muddiness, disarray
- a feeling of embarrassment that leaves you confused同義詞:discombobulation
- an act causing a disorderly combination of elements with identities lost and distinctions blended
- a mistake that results from taking one thing to be another同義詞:mix-up
- The room was in confusion after the birthday party.生日晚會之後,房間裡一片混亂。
- This misprint led to great confusion.這個印刷錯誤造成很大的混淆。
- The most brilliant person may be mired in detail and confusion.即使是最聰明的人也會陷入瑣事與混亂之中。
- Their unexpected arrival threw our plan into confusion.他們的突然到來打亂了我們的計畫。
- The enemy retreated in great confusion.
The act of confusing or the state of being confused:混亂:混淆的行為或混亂的狀態:例句:.To insist . . . that the plight of two, or six, or 52 individuals outweighs policies in which the credibility of the United States and the security of the Middle East are deeply involved, represents the worst kind of moral confusion.(Moorhead Kennedy).堅持…和美國的信用與中東的安全關聯極深的政策竟輕於兩個,或六個,或五十二個個人面臨的苦難,這都在顯示著最惡劣的道德混亂.(穆爾黑德·甘迺迪)
An instance of being confused:被弄混亂了的事例:例句:.Both John Cheever and James Michener . . . clarify some of the confusions of our times.(Clifton Fadiman).約翰·邱佛和詹姆斯·密柴娜…都澄清了我們這個時代的一些混亂.(克利夫頓·法迪曼)
Psychology Impaired orientation with respect to time, place, or person; a disturbed mental state.【心理學】 混淆:對時間、地點或人物缺乏分辨能力;心理混亂的狀態
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