- bismo-cymol
- bouncer
- bromo-ether
- bromacyl bromide
- besieger
- blinking readout
- Brown fever test
- blow-pipe reaction
- back light
- boiler shell ring
- bonded pad
- bronchial catarrh
- beat sb up
- benzyl glycocoll
- biophotometer
- beryllium silicate
- bug monitor
- basofor
- butyric anhydeide
- batch filter
- brookite
- blood veessel
- bolted cap
- by definition
- bagassosis
- Bacillus proteus vulgaris
- black box model
- beneficiary certificates
- built-up pattern
- bride-cake
- bronchi segmentalis basalis medius
- barley seed oil
- blinker
- belt making machine
- bogus government
- bleak
- binding of duty treatment
- business registration certificate
- bill in nature of a bill of review
- benzflavone