音標[bi'z?ntain] 讀音漢語翻譯
a. 拜占庭帝國的, 拜占庭式的
名詞 byzantine:
- a native or inhabitant of Byzantium or of the Byzantine Empire
形容詞 byzantine:
- of or relating to the Eastern Orthodox Church or the rites performed in it
- of or relating to or characteristic of the Byzantine Empire or the ancient city of Byzantium
- highly complex or intricate同義詞:convoluted, involved, knotty, tangled, tortuous
- characterized by elaborate scheming and intrigue; devious
- A Byzantine emperor or prince.君主一個拜占庭帝國皇帝或王子
- The ruler of a province in the Byzantine Empire.總督拜占庭帝國一個省的統治者
- Italian painter trained in the Byzantine style and considered the first master of the Florentine school.契馬布埃,喬瓦尼1240?-1302?受訓於拜占庭風格的義大利畫家,被認為是佛羅倫斯學院的首任校長
- The capital and largest city of Libya, in the northwest part of the country on the Mediterranean Sea. Settled by Phoenicians from Tyre, it has Roman and Byzantine remains. Population, 858,500.的黎波里利比亞的首都和第一大城市,位於利比亞的西北部,臨地中海,最早是提爾的腓尼基人建立,該市保留有羅馬的拜占庭式的古蹟。人口858, 500
Of or relating to the ancient city of Byzantium.拜占庭式的:古拜占庭城的或與其有關的Of or relating to the Byzantine Empire.拜占庭帝國的:拜占庭帝國的或與其有關的Of or belonging to the style of architecture developed from the fifth centurya.d. in the Byzantine Empire, characterized by a central dome resting on a cube formed by four round arches and their pendentives and by the extensive use of surface decoration, especially veined marble panels, low relief carving, and colored glass mosaics. 具有拜占庭風格的:公元 5世紀在拜占庭帝國發展起來的建築風格的,這種建築風格的主要特徵是在由四個圓拱及其三角穹隆形成的立方體結構上有一中心圓頂,且在建築物表面上大量裝飾,特別是在大理石方格上鏤出紋理、塑出低度浮雕以及用彩色玻璃鑲嵌 Of the painting and decorative style developed in the Byzantine Empire, characterized by formality of design, frontal stylized presentation of figures, rich use of color, especially gold, and generally religious subject matter.屬於拜占庭風格的:屬於拜占庭帝國發展起來的繪畫和裝飾風格的,主要特徵有:在設計上注重形式,其形狀多為正面的,大量使用顏料,尤其是金黃色,通常以宗教為主題
Of the Eastern Orthodox Church or the rites performed in it.東正教的:東正教的或其內部宗教儀式的Of a Uniat church that maintains the worship of the Eastern Orthodox Church or the rites performed in it.希臘東正教的:保持了東正教堂或其內部宗教儀式風格的希臘東正教的Often byzantine 常作 byzantine Of, relating to, or characterized by intrigue; scheming or devious:詭計多端的:屬於、關於或具有詭計多端的特徵的;詭計多端的或不誠實的:例句:.a fine hand for Byzantine deals and cozy arrangements.(New York).善於進行詭計多端的交易和迎合討好的安排.(紐約)
Highly complicated; intricate and involved:錯綜複雜的:高度複雜的;複雜難懂得的和牽連較多的:例句:a bill to simplify the Byzantine tax structure.一項簡化錯綜複雜的財稅結構的議案
n.(名詞)A native or inhabitant of Byzantium or the Byzantine Empire.拜占庭人:拜占庭城或拜占庭帝國的本土人、居民
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