音標['bu:m?r??] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 回飛鏢, 飛去歸來器
動詞過去式:boomeranged 過去分詞:boomeranged 現在分詞:boomeranging 第三人稱單數:boomerangs英文解釋:
名詞 boomerang:
- a curved piece of wood; when properly thrown will return to thrower同義詞:throwing stick, throw stick
- a miscalculation that recoils on its maker同義詞:backfire
動詞 boomerang:
- return to the initial position from where it came; like a boomerang
- His attempt to discredit his opponent boomeranged (on him) when he was charged with libel.他企圖敗壞對手名聲反而自食其果,被控以誹謗罪。
n.(名詞)A flat, curved, usually wooden missile configured so that when hurled it returns to the thrower.回飛鏢:一種平的、彎的,通常是木製的飛鏢,當投出去後能回到投擲者手中A statment or course of action that backfires.發生意外的言論或行為過程v.intr.(不及物動詞)boo.mer.anged,,boo.mer.angs To have the opposite effect from the one intended; backfire.自食其果:產生了與意圖相反的結果;產生意外的後果
來源:Dharuk (Aboriginal language of southeast Australia) bumarin y 德哈魯克語(澳大利亞東南部土著語言) bumarin y
<注釋>The words we have borrowed from native languages of Australia,such asbillabong, budgerigar, dingo, kangaroo, koala, kookaburra, waddy, and wallaby, generally have the exotic sound of down under, andboomerang is no exception. In a book about the languages of New South Wales published in 790 is found the native termboo-mer-rit, glossed .the scimitar,. because of the curved shape of the boomerang.In 825 in a passage containing the first recorded instance of the English formboomerang we are told it is .a short crested weapon which the natives of Port Jackson [now part of Sydney] project with accurate aim into a rotary motion..In 827 another commentator says that this term .may be retained for want of a more descriptive name..我們從澳大利亞本土語言借來的單詞,比如billabong(死水潭),budgerigar(虎皮鸚鵡),dingo(騙子),kangaroo(袋鼠),koala(樹袋熊),kookaburra(笑翠鳥),waddy(木棍) 以及 wallaby(沙袋鼠) 等, 一般都有來自異國的聲音,boomerang 也不例外。 790年出版的一本關於新南威爾斯的語言的書中有個本土辭彙boo-mer-rit, 意為.偃月刀.,是因為其回飛鏢的彎形。在825年的一篇短文中有boomerang 的英文形式的最早記錄, 我們被告知那是.一種傑克森港[今悉尼的一部分]土著設計的帶有飾章的短武器,能在旋轉運動中精確擊中目標。.827年另一位評論者說這個辭彙.由於缺少一個更富描述性的名字可以保留.注釋>
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