Bird's sign
【醫】 伯爾德氏征(肺棘球蚴病的聽診體徵)猜你喜歡:
- bill to suspend a decree的漢語翻譯
- bill dishonoured by non-payment的漢語翻譯
- back goods freight的漢語翻譯
- Bacillus endocarditidis capsulatus的漢語翻譯
- back the wrong horse的漢語翻譯
- bone manure的漢語翻譯
- baragnosis的漢語翻譯
- be out of all relation to的漢語翻譯
- back contact的漢語翻譯
- bill drawn on a letter of credit的漢語翻譯
- beat away的漢語翻譯
- bid indicator的漢語翻譯
- brittle material的漢語翻譯
- base segment的漢語翻譯
- bicyclic hydrocarbon的漢語翻譯