n. 被褥, 寢具, 床上用品, 基床
【機】 褥草, 被褥
名詞 bedding:
- coverings that are used on a bed同義詞:bedclothes, bed clothing
- material used to provide a bed for animals同義詞:bedding material, litter
動詞 bed:
- furnish with a bed同義詞:bed
- place (plants) in a prepared bed of soil同義詞:bed
- put to bed同義詞:bed
- have sexual intercourse with同義詞:roll in the hay, love, make out, make love, sleep with, get laid, have sex, know, do it, be intimate, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, screw, fuck, jazz, eff, hump, lie with, bed, have a go at it, bang, get it on, bonk
- prepare for sleep同義詞:go to bed, turn in, bed, crawl in, kip down, hit the hay, hit the sack, sack out, go to sleep, retire
- Material, especially barnyard or stable dung, often with discarded animal bedding, used to fertilize soil.
- I was going to buy some bedding plants at the supermarket but Roy did me a good turn and told me about a garden center where I could get them much cheaper.
- These young plants will soon be ready for bedding in borders.這些幼苗不久將栽到花壇中去。
- An article of bedding consisting of a pad of tufted cotton batting or similar material, used on a floor or on a raised frame as a mattress or comforter.* 一種由分束棉絮或類似材料製成的墊子構成的寢具,當作床墊或蓋被鋪在地板或凸起的框架上
n.(名詞)Bedclothes.寢具:床上用品Material, especially straw, on which animals sleep.牲畜睡於其上的材料,尤指稻草A bottom layer; a foundation.底層;基礎Geology Stratification of rocks into beds.【地質學】 層理:岩石層理形成地層

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