國語字典國語詞典英文字典韓文字典法文字典德文字典日文字典字典網>> 英漢字典>> B開頭詞條>>be concerned with的意思be concerned with 讀音 漢語翻譯涉及..., 與...有關例句:As soon as I told him that we would lose money if we followed his advice, he shifted his ground and said that he was concerned with moral principles, not profits.我告訴她如果我們照他的話去做就會賠本的時候,他立刻改變了論點並說他考慮的是道德原則,而不是利益得失。猜你喜歡:bacilliculture的漢語翻譯 biotexin的漢語翻譯 beggary的漢語翻譯 benzo(a)pyrene的漢語翻譯 braveness的漢語翻譯 brasilic acid的漢語翻譯 bandog的漢語翻譯 buhach insect powder的漢語翻譯 Bohr model of atom的漢語翻譯 ballismus的漢語翻譯 bring sb. to terms的漢語翻譯 Bk的漢語翻譯 bronchocele的漢語翻譯 be fed up的漢語翻譯 beyond one's might的漢語翻譯