- aminothiourea
- antipersonnel
- abatic
- abidance
- apportionment of profit
- alkylisothiocyanate
- aminophenol
- automatic discharge
- average labour rate
- antrophose
- aurhorize
- all round
- as who should say
- acetoacetate decarboxylase
- act of procedure
- a narrow squeak
- angina laryngea
- ash-free basis
- angle cutting tool
- alveolar atrophy
- amylum solani
- amoebean
- attestation of a deed
- anti-subsidy duty
- air elutriation
- administrative laws and regulations
- array item
- admiralty fuel in kerosene range
- anti-albumoses
- abatement of debts
- arteriae dorsalis scapulae
- asoma
- alpha coefficient
- aviary
- arthrocace
- agravic
- atroscine
- asynchronous generator
- anhydrous phosphoric acid