音標['ɑ:g?n] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 氬
【化】 氬Ar
【醫】 氬(18號元素)
名詞 argon:
- a colorless and odorless inert gas; one of the six inert gases; comprises approximately 1% of the earth's atmosphere同義詞:Ar, atomic number 18
- A colorless, odorless, tasteless, gaseous mixture, mainly nitrogen(approximately78 percent) and oxygen(approximately21 percent) with lesser amounts of argon, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, neon, helium, and other gases.空氣一種無色、無嗅、無味的氣體混合物,主要由氮氣(約占78%)和氧氣(約占21%)組成,還有少量的氬、二氧化碳、氫、氖、氦及其它氣體
- He termed the gas argon.他把那氣體取名為氬。
n.Symbol Ar (名詞)符號 Ar A colorless, odorless, inert gaseous element constituting approximately one percent of Earth`s atmosphere, from which it is commercially obtained by fractionation for use in electric light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, and radio vacuum tubes and as an inert gas shield in arc welding. Atomic number 8; atomic weight 39.94; melting point -89.2=C; boiling point -85.7=C.See table at element 氬:無色無味惰性氣體元素,構成地球大氣約百分之一的部分,它可通過分餾法大量獲取,使用於電燈泡,螢光燈及收音機真空管中,並可在電弧焊接中作惰性氣體禁止物。原子序數8;原子量39.94;熔點-89.2=C;沸點-85.7=C參見 element
來源:Greek [neuter of] argos [idle, inert] 希臘語 [] argos的中性 [懶惰的,惰性的] a- [without] * see a- a- [沒有] *參見 a-ergon [work] * see werg- ergon [工作] *參見 werg-
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