音標['?n?lz] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 編年史, 活動年報, 歷史
名詞 annals:
- reports of the work of a society or learned body etc
- a chronological account of events in successive years同義詞:chronological record
- One who writes annals; a chronicler.編年史作者寫編年史的人; 編年史作者
- The tournament added a brilliant page to the annals of world table-tennis.
- The annals of the society have been published.
- His name will go down in the annals.他的名字將載入編年史。
pl.n.Abbr. ann.(複數名詞)縮寫 ann.A chronological record of the events of successive years.編年史:按時間順序記錄的歷史事件A descriptive account or record; a history:記述,記載;歷史:例句:.the short and simple annals of the poor.(Thomas Gray).窮人的短暫一生的記錄.(托馬斯·格雷)
A periodical journal in which the records and reports of a learned field are compiled.學科年刊:彙編某一學術領域記錄及報告的期刊
來源:Latin (lobro) ann3lôs [yearly (books), annals] [pl. of] ann3lis [yearly] 拉丁語 (lobro) ann3lôs [年刊(書)報] [] ann3lis的複數 [年度的,每年的,一年一次的] from annus [year] * see at- 源自 annus [年] *參見 at-
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