n. 磨擦, 磨損, 磨損處
【化】 磨耗; 磨蝕
【醫】 擦除, 擦傷; 磨損, 磨耗
【經】 蝕損
- A hole or worn spot made by abrasion or erosion.侵蝕處由於侵蝕或磨擦形成的洞或破處
- Poorly crystallized diamonds used for industrial cutting and abrasion.結晶差的金剛石用作工業切割和研磨。
- A minor scratch or abrasion.擦傷一個輕微的擦傷或磨損
- An implement with cutting edges or a pointed end for boring holes in hard materials, usually by a rotating abrasion or repeated blows; a bit.鑽帶切割刃或尖端的工具,用於在堅硬材料上鑽孔,一般靠旋轉磨損或反覆擊打實現鑽孔
名詞 abrasion:
- an abraded area where the skin is torn or worn off同義詞:scratch, scrape, excoriation
- erosion by friction同義詞:attrition, corrasion, detrition
- the wearing down of rock particles by friction due to water or wind or ice同義詞:grinding, attrition, detrition