拼音:zǔ cháng英文解釋:
【經】 chief of party相關詞條:
1.groupleader/supervisor 2.reeve 3.chiefclerk中英例句:
- 文書組長負責監督該部門的工作。The chief clerk supervises the work of the department.
- 我們問了組長下一步要做什麼。We ask our group leader what is the next thing we have to do.
- 將所有已完成的工作提交給組長確認。To submit all completed work to the Team Leader for verifying.
- 工作中出現偏差或需要增項時要通知組長/車間主任。Inform group leader / foreman on deviation or extension of repair work.
- 我們贊成當我們的組長。We got behind him to be our group leader.
- 文書組長負責監督該部門的工作.The chief clerk supervises the work of the department.