字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>做作的的英文翻譯


拼音:zuò zuò de


feigned; affected; artificial; niminy-piminy; orotund


  1. 做作的、演戲似的方式。
    in a stagy and theatrical manner
  2. 花哨的連衣裙、招眼的髮型、做作的態度
    A showy dress, hair-style, manner
  3. 具有演戲或者舞台演出的特點;經常是做作的
    characteristic of acting or a stage performance; often affected.
  4. 綺麗體做作的、浮華的、綺麗的語言
    Affected elegance of language.
  5. 真摯的非做作的或非偽善的;誠摯的
    Free from hypocrisy or dishonesty; sincere.
  6. 假作高雅地說裝腔作勢地說出,如用一種做作的高貴或文雅
    To pronounce in an affected way, as with studied elegance and refinement.
  7. 裝模作樣,擺架子,擺樣子假裝出某種做作的姿態;態度
    To assume an affected attitude; posture.
  8. 指聲音;做作的圓滑、清晰。
    of a voice; affectedly mellow and rich
