拼音:zuò zhōng英文解釋:
desk clock; timepiece中文解釋:
不能懸掛,只供擺放於桌面或台面的鐘表 >>查看“座鐘”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 這座鐘樓是這個城市的象徵。The bell tower is the emblem of this city.
- 壁爐台上擺著一個座鐘和兩個花瓶.A clock and two vases stood on the mantelpiece .
- 那個座鐘是祖傳下來的That clock is a family heirloom
- 那座鐘的時針、 分針都對著十二(正午或午夜).The clock hands pointed to twelve, ie it was noon or midnight.
- 壁爐台上擺著一個座鐘和兩個花瓶A clock and two vases stood on the mantelpiece
- 這座鐘每天快3分鐘。The clock gains three minutes a day