字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>坐失良機的英文翻譯 “坐失良機”的日文翻譯


拼音:zuò shī liáng jī


let slip a golden opportunity; miss the boat


同“ 坐失機宜 ”。 劉伯承 《回顧長征》:“‘左’傾路線卻斷言中間派別是所謂 ... >>查看“坐失良機”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 湯姆一聽到有個推銷的機會,馬上就打電話。他不是一個坐失良機的懶漢。
    As soon as Tom hears of a chance to make a sale, he picks up the phone right away, He's not one to the grass grow under his feet.
  2. 如果我們現在遲疑不決,我們就會坐失良機
    If we hang fire now, we will never get so good a chance again.
  3. 他讓我免費到西班牙度假, 我卻坐失良機
    I missed out on his offer of a free holiday in Spain.
  4. 如果我們現在遲疑不決,我們就會坐失良機
    If we hang fire now, we will never get so good a chance again
  5. 他讓我免費到西班牙度假, 我卻坐失良機
    I missed out on his offer of a free holiday in Spain
