拼音:zuò shì英文解釋:
sit by and watch中文解釋:
不採取人們所期望的或適當的行動:袖手旁觀 >>查看“坐視”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 我們不能對敵人目中無人的行動坐視不理。We cannot remain a passive onlooker to the hysteric moves of the enemies.
- 你不會坐視人們挨餓而不想辦法去幫助他們吧?You can not see people starve without trying to help them , can you ?
- 更不要以絕望無助的姿態坐視不理。There is no need to recline and rest in mock desperation.
- 我們不能坐視這些人違犯法律。We can not just sit by while these people break the law.
- 不會坐視的not sit back looking on
- 我們不能對敵人目中無人的行動坐視不理。We cannot remain a passive onlooker to the hysteric moves of the enemies