拼音:zuò qū jiā 英文解釋:
composer; musician; songsmith中英例句:
- 人們喜愛的作曲家成功的秘訣在於他譜寫的優美的音樂。
The success of a popular composer depends on his melody
- 作曲家瓦格那的崇拜者或門徒
An admirer or a disciple of Richard Wagner
- 他一心一意要成為作曲家。
He set his heart on becoming a composer.
- 作曲家被建議將著作分解成單元。
The composer was proposed to decompose his composition into components.
- 作曲家為一首十四行詩譜了曲。
The composer set a sonnet to music
- 1827年3月26日,在經歷了一場大病後,這位舉世聞名的作曲家去世了。
On Mar26,2003, the world-known composer passed away after a serous disease
- 擅長對位法的作曲家
A specialist in counterpoint
- 全部作品一個藝術家、作家或作曲家一生作品的總數
The sum of the lifework of an artist, a writer, or a composer