拼音:zuò lì bù ān英文解釋:
feel restless; fidget; have ants in one's pants中文解釋:
(1) ∶坐著或立著都心神不定,總感到自己著急(2) ∶見煩躁不安 >>查看“坐立不安”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 坐好,孩子們,你們就像熱鍋上的螞蟻似的坐立不安。Sit still, children; you look as though you've got ants in your pants.
- 他坐立不安地等待著他們的訊息。He is sitting on thorns awaiting a message from them
- 坐立不安的,煩躁的Tending to fidget.
- 他坐立不安地等待他失蹤的孩子的訊息。He was on his toes waiting for the news of his lost child
- 他看上去坐立不安。He looks like a restless man
- 別坐立不安(或蕩來蕩去的)。Stop fidgeting (or messing) about out.