拼音:zuò láo英文翻譯
be imprisoned; imprisonment; wear the stripes【法】 wear stripes
1.wearthestripes 2.dotime 3.didtime 4.donetime 5.inclink 6.wearstripes 7.inbird 8.gotothebasket例句:
- 如果案子對你不利,你會坐牢的。If the case goes against you, you may find yourself in prison.
- 如果你再繼續違法的話,你會坐牢的。If you persist in breaking the law you will go to prison.
- 他已陷於進退維谷的地步,不是坐牢就是流放,必須在兩者間做出抉擇。He was in the unenviable position of having to choose between imprisonment or exile.