字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>做白日夢的英文翻譯


拼音:zuò bái rì mèng




  1. 事實上你在做白日夢的時候其實就是某種形式的視覺化。
    The truth is when you daydream you are doing a visualization of sorts.
  2. (好了,醒醒,別做白日夢了。我們還有好多工作。)
    B: OK, wake up Stop daydreaming We have a lot of work to do
  3. 所以他們建議每天留幾分鐘做白日夢
    So they suggest setting aside a few minutes each day for daydreaming
  4. 想得出神, 正在做白日夢
    be lost in (a) reverie
  5. 我們大家都知道什麼是“做白日夢”。
    All of us know how to daydream.
  6. 做白日夢醒時有象夢一樣的冥想或幻想
    To have dreamlike musings or fantasies while awake.
  7. 做白日夢是我的一種輕鬆方式
    daydreaming is a relaxation to me
  8. 你是在做白日夢。事實是在火星上根本沒有什麼活的東西。
    You are daydreaming. The fact is there is nothing alive on Mars at all.
