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拼音:zuì xīn de


abreast of the times; down to date; recent; ultramodern; up to date
【化】 up-to-date


1.latest  2.updated  3.up-to-date  4.ultramodern  5.what'snew  6.aucourant  7.up-to-datestyle  8.red-hot  


  1. 我給您介紹一下我們最新的計算機好嗎?
    Can I interest you in our latest computer?
  2. 最新的失業統計數字表明政府的政策行不通。
    The latest unemployment figures go to show that government policy isn't working.
  3. 她的小說我都喜歡最新的一部尤其好。
    I like all her novels, but her latest is particularly good.
  4. 最新的小說備受讚賞
    Her latest novel was received with great eclat.
  5. 最新的進展情況已向大眾傳播媒介發表。
    The latest developments have just been released to the media.
  6. 為答覆你方的詢價,我們寄去了最新的價格單。
    In reply to your inquiry, we have sent you our latest price list.
  7. 她的衣服總是式樣最新的
    Her clothes are always right up to the minute.
  8. 年輕人喜好追求最新的流行款式。
    The youth like to follow the latest trends in fashion.
