- 天頂一個天體的明顯運動達到最高點
The highest point reached in the apparent motion of a celestial body
- 達到發展的最高點尤其是在判斷或認識中。
at the highest point of development especially in judgment or knowledge.
- 接近或建立最高點的。
approaching or constituting a maximum
- 鉛:較堅挺。價格上升到去年以來的最高點。
Lead: firmer. Values moved up to the highest point since last year.
- 它到達完美的最高點。
It reached its acme of perfection.
- 頂點的在頂點或者最高點的;頭的正上方的
Situated at the vertex or highest point; directly overhead
- BP左右達到最高點,可能與黑潮深層水影響的加劇相關。
BP, G. oceanica and E.
- 他站在山的最高點上。
she walked to a point where she could survey the whole street