拼音:zuì gāo英文解釋:
tiptop【計】 highest
【醫】 max.; maxima; maximum
【經】 maximum
- 智利的最高立法機關the congress of Chile
- 位於第16位的玻利維亞,是欠已開發國家里排名最高的國家。Bolivia, in 16th place, was rated highest among less-developed countries.
- 水位標記表明水曾經達到的最高高度的標記A mark showing the greatest height to which water has risen
- 您瞧,每一樣都是最高級的品質。You see, every article is of the highest quality.
- 你住在最高級的公寓裡,過得很舒適,不是么?You’ve done youself well, haven’t you, living in the best apartment?
- 天頂一個天體的明顯運動達到最高點The highest point reached in the apparent motion of a celestial body
- 北極凍原是指北極點周邊的地區,是世界最高的地方。The arctic tundra is at the top of the world around the North Pole.
- 他是公民的最高典範?Is He Highest Type Of Citizen?