字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>最多的英文翻譯 “最多”的日文翻譯


拼音:zuì duō


at best; at most; maximum; most
【經】 maximum




  1. 水泥成品中最多可以添加5%的石膏。
    Up to 5% of gypsum can be added to cement products.
  2. 我們對這項商品最多只能九五折。
    The highest discount we can allow on this article is 5%.
  3. 賣給出錢最多的人
    To the person who has offered the most money
  4. 最多曾經領先10場勝差。
    They once had a 10-game lead
  5. 我們最多能降10美元。
    The best we can do will be a reduction of 10 dollars
  6. 講得最多,行動最少。
    A long tongue is a sign of a short hand.
  7. 使用:使你的冰霜法術傷害提高最多55點,持續1小時。戰鬥藥劑。
    Use: Increases frost spell damage by up to 55 for 60 min. Battle Elixir.
  8. 我們最多給百分之四的佣金。
    A 4% commission dfjajh is the maximum
