字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>最短的的英文翻譯


拼音:zuì duǎn de


【計】 shortest


  1. 幾何學教授:接吻是兩嘴之間最短的距離。
    Prof. of Geometry: Kiss is the shortest distance between two mouths.
  2. 這是我打過的新中最短的一封信。
    This is what I have beaten new middle the shortest letter.
  3. 捷徑是兩點之間最短的距離。
    A shortcut is the shortest distance between two points
  4. 到巴黎最短的路線是什麽?
    What is the shortest route to Paris?
  5. 十二月22日是一年中最短的一天。
    December 22th was one of the shortest day in1 year.
  6. 十二月22日是一年中白天最短的
    December 22 is the shortest day of a year
  7. 十二月22日是一年中白天最短的
    December 22 is the shortest day of a year.
  8. 邊AB是三角形ABC三個邊中最短的邊。
    The side ab is the shortest of the three side of the triangle abc.
