拼音:zú dǐ英文解釋:
thenar; vola【醫】 foot-plate; pelma; planta; sole; sole of foot
(1).腳底板。《元史·方技傳·李杲》:“ 陝 帥 郭巨濟 病偏枯,二指著足... >>查看“足底”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.pelma 2.plantapedis 3.regioplantarispedis 4.planta 5.anta(plantae)中英例句:
- 足底按摩會讓你感覺更好。B:A foot massage will make you feel better
- 足底矯形器計算機輔助製造系統Research and Design of Foot Orthosis CAM System
- 我能預約做足底按摩嗎?Can I book an appointment for a foot massage
- 足底弓,跖弓arch of the foot
- 他們做一次足底按摩收多少錢?How much do they charge for a foot massage
- 按摩足底部,能增進足部及腰部的血液循環,消除疲勞。Massaging vola, it can improve blood circulation of foot waist.