拼音:zǔ ài de 英文解釋:
baffling; obstructive相關詞條:
impedimentary 2.
impedimental 3.
retardative 4.
obstruent 5.
disoperative 6.
impedient 7.
retardatory 例句:
- 阻礙,妨礙阻礙的行為
The act of obstructing.
- 無阻礙的視野;通向勝利的暢通的道路
A clear view; a clear path to victory
- 我渴望快捷、不受阻礙的行動、流動性以及難以名狀的新奇。
I craved swiftness, unimpeded action, fluidity, and amorphous New.
- 前進目標;面對艱難阻礙的建議。
persuading him was easy going or the proposal faces tough sledding.
- 妨礙打擾阻礙的行為。
the act of hindering or obstructing or impeding.
- 防止,預防防止或阻礙的行為
The act of preventing or impeding.