拼音:zǒng zhǐ shù英文解釋:
【電】 overall gamma相關詞條:
1.enbloc 2.insomewise相關對話:
- 他總是露出憂鬱的表情。He always shows a doleful expression.
- 這個月的數字已包含在總數之內。This month's figures are comprised in the total.
- 我們的債務總計為五千美元。We have debts totaling 5000 dollars.
- 她總是親切地和孩子們說話。She always spoke kindly to the children.
- 晚飯後,我總要休息一小時。I always rest for an hour after dinner.
- 她總穿著黑衣服。She always dresses in black.
- 他總能和同事們和睦相處。He can always get on well with his colleagues.
- 把這些數字加起來,告訴我總數是多少。Add this numbers together and give me the total.