拼音:zǒng zhī英文解釋:
anyhow; anyway; in a word; in brief; in short; to sum up【法】 ad summam; ultimately
總而言之。表示下面說的是總括性的話總之,我們要主動,不要被動 >>查看“總之”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.infew 2.makealongstoryshort 3.tosumup 4.anyway 5.anyhow 6.thelingandtheshortofit 7.ingeneral 8.onallaccounts 9.inthefinalanalysis 10.inafewwords 11.inamount 12.inconclusion 13.infine漢語造句:
- 總之,你做得不好。In brief, your work is bad.
- 總之,唯有當嚴刑峻罰加之於違法之徒時,才能維持社會安定。To sum up, only when strict punishment can be imposed on the lawless, can social stability be maintained.
- 總之,我們認為我們都同情劇中的女主人公。In the final analysis I think our sympathy lies with the heroine of the play.
- 總之,我們應該改進我們的服務。In a word, then, we should improve our service.
- 總之,他的行為是令人震驚的。His behavior was, in a word, shocking.