字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>自製的的英文翻譯


拼音:zì zhì de


self-governing; self-made; continent; home-made; self-regulating
【經】 home-made


1.homebuilt  2.self-made  3.self-governing  4.selfmade  5.restrained  6.selfmade  7.abstemious  


  1. 一些有最高硬度的鋼是自製的
    Some glass-hard steel is homemade.
  2. 自製的酒酒性很烈。
    Home-made wine can be very alcoholic.
  3. 本店自製的冰激凌別具風味。
    Home-made ice-cream is one of our specialities.
  4. 你一定要嘗嘗她自製的葡萄酒——飽口福!
    You must try some of her home-made wine -- it is quite an experience !
  5. 不能自製的顫動現象。
    a condition marked by uncontrollable tremor
  6. 他準備劃著名自製的小船到遙遠的海島上去。
    He planned to voyage to a distant island in his handmade boat
  7. 有目標是確保自製的有效方式。
    Having goals is a sure way of learning self-control.
  8. 有目標是確保自製的有效方式。
    Having goals is a sure way of learning self-control
