拼音:zì yóu zì zài 英文解釋:
【法】 unconstraint; uncontrolled liberty中文解釋:
亦作“ 自繇自在 ”。無拘無束、安閒舒適的樣子。《壇經·頓漸品》:“自由自在,... >>
查看“自由自在”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
asfreeastheair 2.
asfreeasthewind 3.
freeastheair 4.
freeasthewind 5.
unconstraint 相關對話:
- 吉姆總是生活在湖邊,因而他在水中感到自由自在。
Jim always lived by a lake, and he feels at home in the water.
- 在自然界,一切動物都是野生的,自由自在的。
In nature, all animals are wild and free.
- 牛從牧場竄出,在公路上自由自在(到處)走動。
The cows had got out of the field and were (roaming) loose in the road.
- 由於我已經離婚, 我覺得自由自在了。
Now that I've got my divorce, I feel as free as a bird
- 由於我已經離婚, 我覺得自由自在了。
Now that I've got my divorce, I feel as free as a bird.