- 改過自新
correct one's errors and make a fresh start; turn over a new leaf
- 他說,如果我們寬恕他,他將改過自新。
He said he would turn over a new leaf if we forgave him.
- 精神或道德上的改過自新。
reformed spiritually or morally.
- 使之放棄有害的生活方式,改過自新。
caused to abandon an evil manner of living and follow a good one.
- 來自新英格蘭的拓荒者移居到美國各地。
Pioneers from New England migrated to all parts of the United States.
- 我決心改過自新,不在重蹈覆轍.
I decided to lead a new life instead of returning to my vomit.
- 約翰出獄後立誓要悔過自新,使人們原諒他的罪行。
After his release from prison, John vowed to live down his crimes.
- 據報導,他是來自新西蘭的一位學者。
It is reported that he is a scholar from New Zealand