字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>字母的的英文翻譯


拼音:zì mǔ de


abecedarian; alphabetic; alphabetical; literal


1.graphematic  2.abecedarian  3.phabetical  4.literal  


  1. 希臘字母的第六個字母
    The sixth letter of the Greek alphabet.
  2. 代數學計算的普遍原理,其中通常為字母表中字母的符號,其代表數字或一組特定數字中的幾個數字,它們通過對組中全部數字都適合的運算法則相聯繫
    A generalization of arithmetic in which symbols, usually letters of the alphabet, represent numbers or members of a specified set of numbers and are related by operations that hold for all numbers in the set.
  3. 標有字母的刻或標有字母的,或似乎刻有或標有字母的
    Inscribed or marked with or as if with letters.
  4. 跳字的(漏掉字母的)打字機
    A typewriter that jumps, ie omitting letters
  5. 字母的一個單詞的第一個或前幾個字母
    Designating the first letter or letters of a word
  6. 任何兩個字母的子代碼都被認為是[ISO3166]的國家代碼。
    Any two-letter subcode is understood to be a [ISO3166] country code
  7. 字母的書寫變體
    A variant shape of a letter
