拼音:zì lì gēng shēng 英文解釋:
【法】 self-reliance中文解釋:
更生:重新獲得生命,比喻興建事業。形容靠自己的力量從事建設或解決問題 >>
查看“自力更生”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 斯邁利先生對許多刑滿釋放的人給予工作,使他們自力更生,重新做人。
Mr.Smiley has set many ex-cons on their feet again by giving them jobs when they got out of prison.
- 這是一種自力更生的一種生活。
This is a life style of self-dependence
- 對外思想具有鮮明的時代特點,體現在三個方面:堅持自力更生為基本點、批判性地借鑑外國經驗、堅定不移地維護國家主權和民族的利益。
The thought has a bright character embodied three aspects
- 這是一種自力更生的一種生活。
This is a life style of self-dependence.
- 與其求人,何如自力更生。
It would be better to rely on oneself than on others.
- 自力更生。
We should rely on our own effort.