- 風信子類似或同屬的幾種植物,如風信子
Any of several similar or related plants, such as the grape hyacinth.
- 現代漢語的句子類型可以從多個角度歸納和概括。
The category of Modern.
- 計量,機械或電子類專業大學學歷。
Bachelor degree of Metrology,Mechanical or Electrical Engineering.
- 中藥梔子類藥材資源調查和商品藥材鑑定
Resources Investigation and Identification of Gardenia
- 信使RNA研究與細胞因子類生物製藥
Messenger RNA researching and biological producing of cytokines
- 關於A(p)類函式的子類
On a Class of A(P) Functions
- 從現有控制項類或其子類擴展你自己的類。
Extend an existing View class or subclass with your own class.
- 梔子類藥材的研究概況及展望
Survey of Studies on Gardenia