字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>子控制的英文翻譯


拼音:zǐ kòng zhì


【計】 subcontrol


  1. 鐵路機車車輛電子控制裝置的電磁兼容性研究
    Study on EMC of electronic control device for railway vehicles
  2. 控制用或似用嚼子控制或抑制
    To check or control with or as if with a bit.
  3. 廣州標緻牌505型汽車空調電子控制系統
    Air conditioner Electrocontrol System of Guangzhou PEUGEOT 505 Car
  4. 發動機電子控制系統與三元催化轉換器的匹配
    Matching of ESC and TWC
  5. β-actin啟動子控制的人尿激酶原基因在CHO細胞中的表達
    β-actin Promoter Directed Expression of Human pro -UK Gene in CHO Cells
  6. 轎車傳動系電子控制技術的發展趨勢
    Development of Electronic Control for passenger car Powertrain
  7. 發動機電子控制系統歐-Ⅲ排放匹配
    Engine Management System to Meet Euro-Ⅲ Emission Regulation
  8. 柴油機供油量的電子控制
    Electronic Control of Fuel Delivery for Diesel Engines
