拼音:zǐ fáng英文解釋:
germen; ovary【醫】 oophoron; ovary
(1). 西漢 開國大臣 張良 的字。曾行刺 秦始皇 未遂,逃亡 下邳 。 秦 ... >>查看“子房”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.germen 2.seedbud 3.fruitinception中英例句:
- 隔膜,隔壁將某一器官,如子房或果實分成幾個室的分隔物A partition dividing an organ, such as an ovary or a fruit, into chambers.
- 子房雌蕊中含有胚珠的較底的部分,成熟為果實The ovule-bearing lower part of a pistil that ripens into a fruit
- 風信子子房的組織培養(英文)Tissue Culture from Ovary of Hyacinthus orientalis L
- 複合子房包含兩個或多個心皮的雌蕊A pistil composed of two or more united carpels
- 他過去常跟他的死黨流連在彈子房。He used to h 11 o 12 at the poolroom with his buddies.
- 花萼貼生在子房之上。a calyx adnate to the ovary