拼音:zì dòng zhuāng zhì英文解釋:
【計】 automatics【化】 automat
【醫】 automat
1.gyropilot 2.automatical 3.operatorlessdevice 4.automaticgear 5.automaton 6.self-actingdevice 7.automatics 8.robotdevice 9.automat 10.automata 11.autoplant 12.automaticdevice中英例句:
- 事實、概念或指令按某一規格化方式的一種表示,適於人或自動裝置進行通信、解釋或處理。A representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by human or automatic means.
- 變為自動裝置To turn into an automaton.
- 這架相機有自動裝置。A self- timer is installed in this camera
- 你的揮拍將在”自動裝置”上很自然發生.Your swing will be on “automatic pilot.
- 自動裝置自動化機器或設備An automatic machine or device.