拼音:zì dòng kòng zhì英文解釋:
automata; automation; cybernation【計】 autocontrol; automatic control
【化】 autocontrol; automatic control
【經】 automatic control
實現過程自動化的方法的統稱。通過計算裝置將受控對象和控制機構組成閉合控制環路。按... >>查看“自動控制”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.selfcontrol 2.automaticcontrol 3.automaticcontrol 4.self-steering 5.selfcontrol 6.autoregulation 7.self-actingcontroller 8.selfregulation 9.selfactingcontrol 10.automaticregulation漢語造句:
- (自動控制的)超馳,超馳控制裝置用於抵消自動控制的裝置或系統A mechanism or system used to counteract an automatic control.
- 這套新的監護儀是自動控制的。The new monitor apparatus is automatically controlled.
- 鳳凰山銅礦選礦過程的自動控制Automatic Control of Ore-dressing Process at Fenghuangshan Copper Mine
- 火炮隨動系統射擊試驗射彈數的自動控制Autocontrol of Cannon Shot Number During the Shooting Test of Servo System
- 可程式序控制器在堆垛起重機自動控制系統中的套用Application of PLC to the automatic control system of S/R machine
- 350MW機組主汽壓力全程自動控制系統特點及評價Features and Evaluation of MSP Control System of 350 MW Units
- EP105H-N系列無線智慧型測控終端在給水自動控制中的套用Application of RTU EP105H-N Series in City Water Supply